High Net Income Divorce Attorney
In best case situations, you may have executed a prenuptial agreement. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the document is up for dispute. Were you the lower earning or non-earning spouse? Did separate counsel review the agreement before you signed it? Was the document actually signed after the marriage ensued?

Strategies in High Net Divorces
At the Law Offices of Sam Stoia, we have experience in representing clients going through high net divorces. Without question, the evaluation of complex issues presents compelling challenges. As much as the courts might strive for equitable distribution, both sides need documentation that makes their respective cases.
For example, a division of assets because of divorce can mean a disruption of business operations. A forensic expert can quantify the prospective losses as they pertain to equitable distribution.
Meanwhile Some high net divorces suggest a split of substantial real or personal property. Both parties need to consider retention of appraisals to put numbers on real estate, jewelry, art, and collectibles.
What about intellectual property rights? Divorcing spouses may claim proportionate shares to patents, copyrights, and trade names that represent prospective revenue.
Tax issues are yet another critical consideration when it comes to preparation of high net divorce settlements or trial strategies.
Often, a high net divorce suggests the need for an investigation to unravel hidden assets. An experienced family law attorney has access to these essential resources.
If you are a professional with a high net divorce or have inherited money, you are likely overwhelmed with the prospect of divorce. Not only are your prospective obligations overwhelming, but accumulating documentation represents a virtual nightmare.
All things considered, it’s not just doctors and lawyers who need an experienced divorce lawyer with a strong financial background. Stockbrokers, architects, accountants, financial advisors entrepreneurs and people who have been the beneficiaries of significant inheritance all face similar dilemmas. Truth be told, business owners of all types and people who may have may experience the conflicts associated with high net income divorces.
Admittedly, money represents advantages. However, those same returns also suggest complexities when it comes to equitable distribution and support payments. The break up of your marriage could easily impact your dealings with your business partner. Assuredly, you will need expert intervention when it comes down to your retirement plans, stock options, and profit sharing.

Consult with a High Net Worth Divorce Attorney
A high net worth divorce attorney evaluates the unique aspects of your marital dissolution case, with particular attention to its financial considerations. Sam Stoia years in public accounting and professional consultative background provided experience in both analysis and negotiation.
The breakup of any marriage is seldom simple. However, high net worth divorces often are especially challenging. Set you an appointment with Attorney Sam Stoia to obtain critical information that may get you through the process quicker and with less angst. Contact the firm or call 973 539-4364.