What happens when two dads and mommy make three parents? In today’s society, it is entirely conceivable that two men may father a child. Notwithstanding, the biological mother may also…
Confused When Child Support Ends? Are you confused when child support ends, because it just does not say so in your divorce decree? Although some final divorce judgments are very…
Proving a Change in Circumstances The divorce was long ago finalized. Either the parties have agreed on alimony and child support payments, or the judge has ordered them. However, situations…
Criminal to Destroy Joint Property? Tempers often fly when a married duo decides to end their relationship. Angry words are often exchanged. Some become physical and become violent. Others express…
Fraud has a Role in Equitable Distribution It might about appear somewhat obvious. Fraud has a role in equitable distribution . After all, why should one person’s deceit work to…