Alimony and Spousal Support Attorney Just about everyone has some perception about the meaning of alimony or spousal support. InRead more
Alimony or Spousal Support

Family Lawyer: Alternative Dispute Resolution Litigation or a trial is just one way of ending a marriage in New Jersey.Read more
Alternate Dispute Resolution

NJ Child Custody and Parenting Time Attorney The most vulnerable members to any parental separation are the children. With thatRead more
Child Custody and Parenting Time

Child Support Attorney A couple of years ago, the federal government produced a report entitled “Expenditures on Children by Families.”Read more
Child Support

Divorce Lawyer: Division of Assets or Equitable Distribution In some ways, the end of a business partnership and divorce areRead more
Division of Assets or Equitable Distribution

Divorce Attorney With few exceptions, no one enters marriage anticipating the prospect of divorce. Yet, according to national statistics, theRead more

Domestic Violence and Restraining Order Attorney Sadly, domestic violence has become a household term – here in New Jersey andRead more
Domestic Violence

Adoption Attorney All things considered, adoption often represents one of the most joyous aspects of family law. As repetitive asRead more
NJ Adoption Lawyer

High Net Income Divorce Attorney In best case situations, you may have executed a prenuptial agreement. Meanwhile, the effectiveness ofRead more
NJ High Net Income Divorce Attorney

The legalization of same-sex marriages in 2015 significantly impacted the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.Meanwhile,when itRead more
NJ LGBTQ Family Law Attorney

New Jersey Prenuptial and Postnuptial Family Law Attorney In New Jersey, premarital agreements are often referred to as prenuptial agreements. AsRead more