When the court ordered you to pay alimony , you weren’t exactly pleased. However, you’ve respected your obligation and always paid on time. Meanwhile, it appears that your former spouse…
Protracted litigation. The two words together most likely sum up the reason your divorce is costing you so much money. However, they beg an interesting question. Who’s responsible for dragging out…
Truth be told, there are a plethora of misconceptions when it comes to an understanding of the meaning of equitable distribution . For one, you should not think of equitable…
You can always count on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for statistics that might or might not surprise you. In 2017, unmarried mothers delivered over a third…
In theory, you both thought you were acting in the best interests of your child. Admittedly, your relationship didn’t work out. Nonetheless, you wanted to do the right thing. Despite…