
Helpful Hints to Take Some of the Angst Out of Divorce

Let’s face it. Life is filled with a number of key stressors. Start with sickness, death, and money woes. Include child rearing and intimate relationships. Among the top infiltrators of serenity is an unhappy marriage. With that in mind, almost everyone facing the end of a relationship can benefit from these helpful hints for divorce with less angst.

Some Basic Thoughts

A recent Huffington Post article suggests that seven small things can make the divorce process less stressful. In summary, they offer the following ideas:

  • Email is an ideal communication when dealing with a former spouse. Use it.
  • Provide your children with someone outside your marriage to help them understand the situation. Therapy can help avert self-blame or other like issues.
  • Document everything. Keep receipts and records of anything that is relevant or may appear non-eventful.
  • Rather than turn things into a big argument, consider mediation. Remember, part of your relationship has resorted to the dissolution of a business. Treat it that way.
  • If appropriate, emphasis that your ex is now the “co-parent”. Consider changing your phone entry with that title.
  • Find a way to eliminate memories of your former spouse in your abode. Make it a cleansing to find yourself.
  • Express gratitude regularly. Even the worst relationships started with something favorable. Try to recall those times and find new reasons to be grateful when dealing with a former spouse.

Take it Further

The demise of a marriage does not always happen quickly. It may occur within a matter of months or fall into the grey divorce phenomenon. Whatever the length of the relationship, we try to remind our clients of the following:

Take care of yourself.

Helpful Hints to Take Some of the Angst Out of Divorce

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